Week 10 Reflection

Reflect on your learning activities and experience.

All of my topics were finished last week. This week I have been focused on turning in the rest of the fluency evidence assignments. Hence, this week I have focused on working on the final project some more. I have reached the point where only the hard things are left. This is causing me to have to dig around on the internet to find out how to add and remove items to a list using local storage. I am still not there. However, after meeting with Brother Thayne today, I understand some of what I am doing wrong.

Consider your openness to new ideas.

Like always, I have to be open to no ideas, mostly because there is a lot I don't know yet. I feel like I know 1% of JavaScript. Now that I am completely stuck on my project, I appreciate the codes and examples that others put out on the internet to help people like me figure out what to do. I am also realizing that even though I thought I knew what needed to be done for my project, a new avenue might be best for the list part of it. If I create a separate page for it instead of a pop-up, then I won't have the list items overflowing the box. I also need to figure out how to scroll the box if I decide to keep it.

Consider your ability to rationally evaluate options and explain why options are selected.

I feel like a failure in this area for the week. Evaluating options means you know what the options are in the first place. I am fumbling around enough that I don't feel I do. I can evaluate that what I am doing isn't working and to keep looking for a better alternative.

Reflect on teamwork.

Michelle and I have done a good job of presenting topics and being ready for meetings. I was rather disappointed last week that John wasn't ready again. He has six topics he hasn't presented. As the strongest of the group, we could really use his knowledge and guidance. However, having watched my husband going to school, try to work full-time, and be dad, I understand where he is coming from. There is only so much time in a day.

Reflect on your communication abilities. Document your growth as it relates to the course outcome.

I could probably be better about communicating this week. John said he was going to make videos for us to watch. They aren't done yet and I suspect they won't be until Saturday. If I don't let others know that I'd like to view their work, how do they know? Other than that, we communicate fine. I don't feel like my communication abilities for this class has changed any. It has been good to already have a team setup idea for other classes, though, and know how to record a Zoom meeting to share.