Week 11 Reflection

Reflect on your learning activities and experience.

This week I worked on creating the functions to add a book to a list and remove it. That took a lot of work and trial and error. I'd had the add working previously but it wasn't done through localStorage. That was a good lesson in how to parse and stringify items from and to localStorage, reference them, and manipulate them. Intially I had been trying to do each book title and url as a separate item. It took me a bit to realize I should store them as an object together. Once I did that, getting the correct information to load and remove made sense.

Consider your openness to new ideas.

Like always, I have to be open to new ideas or nothing will get created, as everything seems like a new idea to me! That is what makes programming fun, though. I love taking a problem of not knowing how to accomplish a task and watching it come to fruition. There is usually a better way to accomplish than task than what I am currently doing.

Consider your ability to rationally evaluate options and explain why options are selected.

This week I felt like that was a possibility to achieve. There were several ways that the add and remove item could be done. Being able to pick apart options, write it through, and see which one worked the best helped me to complete the task. Originally, I had just started coding. Once I really weighed choices then a better way emerged.

Reflect on teamwork.

This week we didn't meet as a team at all since it is Thanksgiving. I did check both John and Michelle's sites and they don't have anything up yet. I think the fact I am excited to see what they write shows that we worked together well as a team throughout the semester.

Reflect on your communication abilities. Document your growth as it relates to the course outcome.

I don't know if my communication abilities have changed. Mostly I've learned what each person's personal preference is for communicating, including Brother Thayne's! As the semester progressed, it became clear that scheduling a meeting is the best communication path of choice for that. As a group, both the other members expressed a preference for email.