Week 12 Reflection

Reflect on your learning activities and experience.

This week I worked on creating elements with DOM manipulation and adding event listeners. By far my hardest part of my week was getting event listeners to work. I couldn't have done it without Brother Thayne's help. I had been researching on the internet for hours, tried multiple strategies, and none of them had worked. In the end, it was a lot simpler than most of the strategies I found!

It was very exciting to pull the project together and feel like it is finished. Then I asked people to test it for me - and discovered I had broken a lot of things when I changed from HTML to DOM manipulation! Fortunately they were all easy fixes. I feel like I really learned a lot this week and not the project actually is done.

Consider your openness to new ideas.

Like every week, I feel like a sponge when it comes to new ideas. There is still a lot to learn. While what I had written with HTML worked fine and was easy, I can see now how there is more control with DOM manipulation.

Consider your ability to rationally evaluate options and explain why options are selected.

This week was a good lesson in evaluating options, because I actually understood a number of options. Taking some time to, once again, think through a problem and decide what was best really made the programming easier. It also helped me to decide what NOT to do even when someone suggested I should do it. After evaluating it became clear the suggestion wouldn't work well.

Reflect on teamwork.

Since we are all working on our individual projects and no longer have weekly code teaching, our group did not meet at all this week. I have looked at both Michelle and John's pages to see if there final projects are there to see yet and they weren't.

Reflect on your communication abilities. Document your growth as it relates to the course outcome.

Since we didn't meet as a team, the only person I communicated with this week was Brother Thayne. I set an appointment for Thursday and then set lots of alarms to remind me! I wanted to make sure not to miss it. Talking through what wasn't working and what all was required helped me to have a better understanding of what I needed to turn in.