Week 13 Reflection

Reflect on your learning activities and experience.

The most important thing I learned this week is testing, testing, and checking again! I thought my project was all done, but decided to test everything again first just to be sure. Unfortunately, I found a number of things that weren't working correctly or styled right. It wasn't too hard of a fix to make the needed changes, though. It is much easier if you are looking at the correct local version instead of an older version already on the internet. Oops! Hopefully I have finally caught everything.

Consider your openness to new ideas.

The new ideas I have been exploring this week are how to actually make this app a reality. I've done several hours of research trying to figure out the easiest way possible without having to rewrite a lot of code or implement it with a new drag and drog app creator. Android Studio is now downloaded on my laptop and I am excited to learn how to use it!

Consider your ability to rationally evaluate options and explain why options are selected.

For me, the options this week are financial based. I don't want to spend a bunch of money publishing an app through a third party. I'd rather figure out how to do it for only the $25 Play store fee. This does lead me down a path of evaluating online app creator platforms to find one that works well and is free. The evaluation isn't done yet and it will be interesting to see what I end up picking. I am hoping it will be a somewhat easy switch to an app.

Reflect on teamwork.

Today I sent an email to John and Michelle offering to test their final projects if they would like. I posted mine on Facebook for people to test and it was a good thing I did. They found a number of things wrong that I didn't catch. Being able to see what the other students have created would be really fun, too.

Reflect on your communication abilities. Document your growth as it relates to the course outcome.

I am curious, is this question designed for those whose communication skills really need improvement? I am sure mine could, but haven't been able to pinpoint anything specific that I need to fix. Emailing and texting seems to work fine for our group.