Week 14 Reflection

Reflect on your learning activities and experience.

This has been an interesting class. I've learned a lot but it seemed to mostly be through trial and error. Stackoverflow has become a great learning tool. While there wasn't much provided in the way of learning material for the class, having a direction for topics was helpful. When I had tried to teach myself programming before, I didn't know what to start with. Now I feel like I've learned things I wouldn't have done on my own.

Consider your openness to new ideas.

The theme of the semester - new ideas. There were lots of new ideas this semester! That is the only way to learn. I feel like a baby learning to walk and move around. Everything is new and you need to learn it all. It's more of where do you start first?

Consider your ability to rationally evaluate options and explain why options are selected.

This class was a good learning tool for evaluating options, more so than most of my other classes. Maybe that is what we were really supposed to learn this semester? Other classes are very structured and you are trying to make a product like the example or assignment states. This class is very open ended so you really have to do some decision making on your own.

Reflect on teamwork.

It was nice to have a group to work with. It ws a little odd, though, to be reteaching something that someone else had already done. All of us felt silly doing that. It would be better to break the topics up into subtopics so each person works on those. Of course, we didn't figure that out until we were mostly done teaching.

Our group was good at working together, deciding deadline, and adjusting to each others needs. This has definitely been the best group I have worked with and I really appreciate that it felt like a team effort. Other groups have been about 75% me and 25% everyone else.

Reflect on your communication abilities. Document your growth as it relates to the course outcome.

The biggest thing I learned as far as communication was how to do group Zoom meeting through the school accounts and that we can record videos. I have loved that feature and used it for other classes as well. I will miss having a Zoom account that records when I am done graduating. Other than that, I don't feel like I learned any new skills for communicating as we mostly used email.