Week 3 Reflection

Reflect on your learning activities and experience.

This week I spent a lot of time learning about objects. Where I haven't ever worked with those before, I was somewhat excited to learn about them. The hardest part for me was learning about instantiation. Once I figured out the basic premise behind it, I realized how useful it really is. It definitely would seem to make adding information into a database much easier.

I also spent time this week learning about JSON. I went back through my old scripts that were written for CIT 230 and that helped me to understand remember how those worked. It still took several tries to get things to work right for the nav. I was very excited when I got it all laid out and displaying how it needs to, though!

Consider your openness to new ideas.

I feel like this whole semester has reached the point of everything is a new idea, so being open is the name of the game! While I thought I understood instantiation, I learned during the office hours that I was using the old method. Now I need to go back and rewrite it using the new one. It was interesting to hear classes being taught in office hours because my husband was amazed we hadn't talked about those yet and was trying to explain them to me. I was glad he had discussed it so I understood some of what was said in the lesson. I am definitely still going to be learning a lot on those, though.

Consider your ability to rationally evaluate options and explain why options are selected.

This seems to be getting trickier the farther I get into topics. It seems there may be several options for completing the same action. I can see how really evaluating which one is better, more concise, etc., will weigh into decisions when writing code and how one option will work better with needed requirements further into the program.

Reflect on teamwork.

This week was severely lacking in team work for our group. One student didn't come to the group meeting and the other was very unprepared. Suspecting that would be the case, I had two topics prepared so that we could still fill the planned time with learning. I did appreciate the one team member who came asking questions, and I was glad I was able to answer questions he had on his own topic, too.

Reflect on your communication abilities. Document your growth as it relates to the course outcome.

I feel like I communicate well. However, I wonder if others think I communicate too much. It is taking some balancing for me to figure out what is the right amount for everyone when a number of emails are not responded to at all. I did finally figure out to use Mailchimp to send emails so I would know if the other teammates are opening them. Once I started doing that, then they both started responding. Also, I discussed using Slack as a communication channel and that maybe that would be easier for everyone. That does seem to be working better.