Week 4 Reflection

Reflect on your learning activities and experience.

I spent this week finishing up JSON as well as adding more to the main JavaScript topic and Objects. It was exciting to feel like I finally had enough basics to turn in both the JSON and the JavaScript topics. My plan had been to finish off Objects as well, but I am not there yet. I also went back and made a lot of my scripts I had written working with onclick instead of load with the page. It is fun to push the button and see them work!

The bulk of this week, though, was spent learning DOM Manipulation. I thought it seemed pretty straightforward. However, that didn't turn out to be the case. I have a number of scripts that still aren't working right and more that still need started. I am hoping that with more studying that I will be able to finish off that topic and understand it better by next Friday.

Consider your openness to new ideas.

Again, I feel like everything is new ideas. It was great in my group meeting to have someone to bounce ideas off of. Michelle helped me to see things in a different light. Like they say, two heads are better than one. That was very helpful when it came to redesigning our team schedule now that I am one a new team. She was great at catching things I didn't or coming up with a different direction that we could merge together.

Consider your ability to rationally evaluate options and explain why options are selected.

The DOM Manipulation exercises were a good lesson for me in options. While trying to create the nav, I could see several possibilities it could head. I spent a lot of time evaluating and trying different methods. Unfortunately, I am still not there. Other scripts I got on the first try, decided to rework it, and came to a conclusion that the first way was better due to length.

Reflect on teamwork.

My team members for the new group are great so far. Even though John and I were both out-of-town different days so we couldn't all meet at the same, we still managed to make it work. Michelle was very gracious to offer to meet with both of us on different days. I enjoyed the opportunity to discuss with her why parts of my code weren't working and ask each other questions about DOM Manipulation. This week seemed to be fine for teamwork. I am looking forward to next week when I can hopefully meet with all of my team members at once for the first time and teach each other.

Reflect on your communication abilities. Document your growth as it relates to the course outcome.

I feel like this week was just basic communication. We email mailed back and forth several times, I taught a lesson, and sent more emails. I am not really sure what to say for this week. It doesn't feel like a growing experience in this area besides teaching a topic I still felt unprepared about.