Week 5 Reflection

Reflect on your learning activities and experience.

This week has definitely gone better than previous weeks. For the first half of the week, I didn't feel like I was drowning with no idea of what I needed to learn. Unfortunately, by the end I am back to that! LocalStorage was a totally new topic. I am glad one of my teammates taught it first so I even knew what it was. Working through examples for each method helped me to see how they work.

At the end of the week, I worked on finishing up Objects. Again, I felt a little lost as I wasn't sure what was wanted for inheritence. The name made it easy to infer what we wanted to do but finding what I was after took some digging. There are several YouTube videos online that helped me figure it out.

Consider your openness to new ideas.

For me, I feel this is a redundant question. I am still feeling like almost everything is new. This week I also studied API's. Having working with those before was helpful. However, watching the office hours taught me that once again I am finding outdated techniques while searching the web on my own. I would love it if there was once specific source we could visit that we knew had all of the latest programming techniques. I like learning the correct and new ways to do things. This week the new topic for me seemed to be fetch. I tried to get it to run and did to some extent. There will be more digging to learn that one.

Consider your ability to rationally evaluate options and explain why options are selected.

At the moment, I feel like I am thrashing around and picking whatever one works as that is the only one I can think of! So, my ability in that area seems greatly reduced this week. Maybe a good course of action would be to make or find a spreadsheet of different ways you can accomplish the same task and why each is a better option for different scenarios.

Reflect on teamwork.

The teamwork this week was great! I actually was taught by someone else! This is the first week and I was honestly beginning to wonder if I'd ever have a true team meeting. I still haven't been to one where all three people have taught. Michelle is still having internet connection issues so she is uploading a video she is recording on her computer. Hopefully, the service technician can get it fixed for her by next week.

John did a great job teaching about animations. He really helped me to remember how they were written and it was fun to see what he created. He also did a good job of coming up with something to teach for the first topic on the spot. Apparently he hadn't seen that he was teaching two. But, he had enough code for other classes that he taught it fine. I really enjoyed seeing his work for his web engineering class.

Reflect on your communication abilities. Document your growth as it relates to the course outcome.

We need to get each other's phone numbers so we can send a reminder text if need be. We don't have one set communication channel for this group. That is something we need to address again. I do find I am the more aggressive person and like to take charge, whether others want me to or not.