Week 6 Reflection

Reflect on your learning activities and experience.

This week I worked on AJAX, which was a pretty fast topic. Since I had already worked on API's for the Local Storage topic, I just added some more info and had the JSON output to thie AJAX page, too. Since that topic was fairly quick, I moved onto the next one I am assigned to team teach which is transforms. Doing CSS is a lot of fun! I thoroughly enjoyed the review of all the different ways you can transform things. My favorite part was learning how to make a cube, which I hadn't done before.

Consider your openness to new ideas.

Really, I never know what to say here. Learning new ways to do transforms was exciting because I had never made what looks like 3d shapes before. Everything had always been two dimensional.

Learning how to use an API is very exciting this week! I am using the NYT api's to create my app. My husband was impressed with how much of the application I put together without having to actually type any content. All I have done is style what is pulled in from their website. I can see huge possibilities with API's now.

Consider your ability to rationally evaluate options and explain why options are selected.

As I started working on the final project this week, evaluating options has definitely come into play. What layout and colors would the user like best? How do integrate the content, all onto one page or one for each category? Where to put buttons to add/remove items to the list and access a user's full list? Some of the answers depend on how the API can be manipulated. Others may require asking people for input on design. As I got creating the app, the way I displayed options changed. Seeing it laid out makes a difference in decisions and makes it easier to explain why things were chosen.

Reflect on teamwork.

The teamwork was great this week. We all took turns teaching. While the topics we've talked about before didn't have much new information in them, what was there was good to know. We are all trying to make an effort to not reteach points on a topic and to show examples of how we did things.

Reflect on your communication abilities. Document your growth as it relates to the course outcome.

How much can you really grow with using email? We email, we responded, we make decisions, rinse and repeat. It works well for us.

Usually we meet on Thursday evenings. However, next week it is Halloween that day. That prompted me to send out an email asking if we can change the day, which everyone decided absolutely once they realized it was Halloween, too. I'm glad I figured it out earlier instead of on Wednesday.