Week 8 Reflection

Reflect on your learning activities and experience.

This week I focused on three topics: transitions, animations, and triggering with JavaScript. I'll admit I felt a little overwhelmed at figuring out how to do triggers. Meeting with Brother Anderson and watching the office hours video helped. I had also forgotten a few things about animations, such as being able to put negative values for delays, so it was good to get a refresher on the topic.

Consider your openness to new ideas.

While I have done transitions, transforms, and animations before in other classes, it was good to learn how to trigger them with buttons. I can see practical applications of how triggers can be used. My favorite part of the week was learning how to do a flip card with two different divs. Now I am excited to try making a memory game after all. Just as soon as I learn how to use clicking on the div as a trigger instead of clicking on buttons below it.

Consider your ability to rationally evaluate options and explain why options are selected.

I am definitely not feeling as confident in this area this week. My decisions this week seem to be based on whatever I can get to work rather then knowing options well. I am definitely going to have to study and practice writing different types of triggers to feel like I can make good decisions in this area.

Reflect on teamwork.

Our team is working really well together. We seem to all be overachievers, which is why I wanted to be in this group! I feel like both John and Michelle taught me things this week that were new and I needed. Being able to see their examples is helping me to understand events and animations better. We have also done well of getting topics done and being flexible with each other. That makes working with the group enjoyable.

Reflect on your communication abilities. Document your growth as it relates to the course outcome.

I'd have to say they are the same and no growth is happening, because as I mentioned before, how much growth happens by emailing? We do good at keeping in contact and I send emails if I have questions.